COVID-19 Time Reporting Flow Chart
The Michigan Medicine Payroll Office has created a chart to help timekeepers better understand the scenarios and process by which each of the current paid time off banks should be used. Use this chart first when unsure which bank and time reporting code to report. Please do not distribute this widely amongst staff as it is intended for department/ unit time keepers only. The chart can be found on the COVID-19 Time Reporting page of the Michigan Medicine Department of Human Resources website.
COVID-19 Time Reporting Code Queries
Time report code tracking is the responsibility of the department/unit and should be managed by the department to monitor staff usage. New queries are available to audit the use of the COVID related paid time off banks. Also, you can see the use of RPN with/without PAN or vice versa.
RPN reported without PAN tracking code or vice versa for static group or department ID. The COVID-19 PTO and Supplemental COVID-19 PTO bank should be reported using both time codes, on separate lines. This report can be run by pay period:
How many hours of RPN/PAN used by static group or department ID. Can be run for any date range:
How many hours of the Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSLA) paid time off bank were used by staff in a static group or department ID:
How many hours of the Expanded FMLA (EFLMA) have been used by staff in your static group or department ID:
Reporting Time for Staff Moving to 12-hour Shifts
Any regular staff member moving to 12-hour shifts that will not be working up to their standard hours each week can use the Emergency Paid Sick Leave hours (EPSLA), effective April 1 – 30 2020, or the COVID-19 PTO to supplement their appointment under the lack of work provisions. All non-exempt bi-weekly staff must be paid Overtime Premium when working over 40 hours in any individual week. AFSCME bargained for staff can work 12 hour shifts under the Special Schedule language and must be paid the Special Schedule premium in these cases. See more regarding how to report time for 12 hour shifts here:
If staff are working their appointment, but working less in one week and over 40 hours in the second week of a biweekly pay period, there is work around that must be used to ensure staff are getting their full retirement contributions on all of their appointment hours. See above link to review how to report time in these situations.
Michigan Medicine 120-hour COVID-19 PTO bank
In March, Michigan Medicine announced a special 120-hour paid time off bank for full-time employees who need to isolate as a result of contracting COVID-19 while providing direct care for confirmed COVID-19 patients. This special bank of time is also prorated for part-time and temporary employees. In order to be approved for use of this special bank of time, employees must submit a worker’s compensation case with the Work Connections office. Until the case is approved, they can use the COVID-19 PTO and EPSLA time-off banks. Any questions should be directed to the HR Solutions Center.
Heavy call volumes
We continue to experience a high volume of calls and emails during this time, so we appreciate your patience as we work through this rapidly-changing environment to provide you with the most up-to-date information. If you have questions, we first encourage you to view the chart provided in today’s email, timekeeper FAQs and/or the HR FAQs. If you still have questions, please call the Michigan Medicine payroll line 734-615-5822 and leave a voice message. Our team is checking voice messages frequently and we are responding as quickly as we can.
If you prefer not to leave a voice message, you may email the team at The Payroll team is here to answer all of your timekeeping questions.