COVID-19 Information Resources
There are several resources available to assist Michigan Medicine time keepers and employees during these challenging times. Many address various scenarios, and provide information on how to navigate operations during the current pandemic. Bookmark these pages and refer to them often as updates are occurring regularly to adapt to the changing environment. Here is a short list of resources:
- COVID FAQ (includes information about parking, patient care, how to report illness, PPE and other topics)
- HR FAQ (includes information about COVID PTO banks, eligibility and usage, child care, redeployment, time reporting, and other HR topics)
- Updated COVID-19 Paid Time Off Flow Chart (a guide for reporting time by situation)
- COVID-19 PTO bank descriptions (a guide to all of the COVID banks)
- COVID-19 Time Reporting (includes temp bank calculation, 12-hour time reporting guide, and timekeeper FAQs)
If you still have questions, email If your questions are related to timekeeping, contact the Michigan Medicine Payroll office at 734-615-8722 and leave a message or email
Reminder: EFMLA Pay Rate Changes on May 1
Beginning May 1, 2020, the remaining weeks eligible for EFMLA are subject to 2/3 pay. The employee may supplement with the original COVID-19 PTO bank “RSP” – provided they have a remaining balance. If that bank is exhausted, they may supplement with PTO “PHP” or Vacation “VHP" in order to receive a full paycheck. “PSP” is the supplemental code if using EPSLA to supplement the 2/3 pay.
Note, these are not additional FMLA weeks, only an expanded reason to use FMLA. An employee only receives 12 weeks of FMLA per benefit year. There is a 30-day service requirement and the benefit is not available to those on layoff or furlough. Total FMLA time available will be coordinated with other FMLA related absences. See an example of how to report this time here.
COVID-19 PTO Form Submission
As departments are monitoring the use of the COVID-19 PTO banks, confirm that the staff using the paid time off banks have submitted the proper documentation to use it. Only the COVID-19 PTO bank, issued in March, requires a form submission. Upon submitting the request, the employee’s manager received a confirmation email. Those who have not completed the form should complete it here before the next payroll processes
Time Reporting Code Queries
Departments are responsible for monitoring the usage of the COVID PTO banks. New queries are available to audit the use of the related paid time off banks, as listed below.
Are there any employee who have reported RPN without PAN or PAN without RPN? The COVID-19 PTO and Supplemental COVID-19 PTO bank should be reported using both RPN and PAN on separate rows in the timesheet. This report can be run by pay period.
How many hours of RPN/PAN used by static group or department ID.
This report can be run for any date range.
How many hours of the Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSLA) paid time off bank were used by staff in a static group or department ID. This report can be run for any date range.
How many hours of the Expanded FMLA (EFLMA) have been used by staff in your static group or department ID. This report can be run for any date range.