EFMLA time reporting for holidays
Memorial Day is Monday, May 25. For those employees using EFMLA, please note the following time reporting requirements. If an employee is not supplementing EFMLA, report 5.33 HOL and 2.67 ETW to receive ⅔ pay (for an 8 hour shift). If they are supplementing, it should be reported as 8 HOL.
Also, if the employee is eligible for shift premium you would only report what they are getting paid for. For example, if the employee is not supplementing: 5.33 ESA with the 5.33 HOL and 2.67 ETW.
Bargained for staff should refer to the appropriate collective bargaining agreements.
System and Process Improvements to be implemented effective May 17th, 2020
Regular punch and Web clock users:
System rounding when Reported Time is processed through Time Administration in order to create Payable Time will be inactivated. Currently rounding from Reported Time to Payable Time is only active for regular staff using the Punch or Web Clock time reporting. No other group has rounding turned on.
This means the Payable Time will show up consistently with Reported Time on the timesheet. This will improve user’s ability to review and compare Reported Time to Payable Time as part of the timekeeping process.
Timesheet display changes from 1000ths to 100ths for all users
Currently on the timesheet, reported time totals and payable time totals displays to the 1000th’s place (i.e., .321) or three decimal places. Effective May 17, the system will display to the 100ths (i.e., .32) or two decimal places. The standard for reported time is to report to the 1/10 of an hour, or one decimal place (i.e., .3). There are instances where you would report to the 100ths, such as when reporting supplemental time for Extended Sick 2/3 pay. Example: 8 ESP with 2.67 PHP (Extended Sick 2/3 with 1/3 supplemented with employees PTO). You would also report to the 100ths when reporting codes with cash amounts in the timesheet.
The leave balances that display on the timesheet and in the Employee Self-service Leave Data will also display to the 100ths place. .
If employees, timekeepers, or approvers report time to more than the 100ths place in the timesheet, an error message will pop up. To fix this error, report to the 100ths place and submit the time.
New and improved tenths chart for time reporting
The new tenths chart, shown below, is bi-directional so it works for determining what to report for staff who are both early or late for their shift start and end time, or departures for a work shift. Please start using this new bi-directional tenths chart with your next convenient time reporting period.
NEW Bi-Directional Tenths Chart for Time Reporting
Using the chart when employee is working less than their scheduled shift:
If the employee is late, determine the number of minutes they worked out of the partial hour in which they were late, compare to the chart and add tenths to the number of full hours worked that day.
Example: Employee is 10 minutes late and was scheduled to work an 8-hour shift. This means they worked 50 minutes of the first hour of their scheduled shift. According to the chart, 50 minutes of the hour worked is .8. Assuming the other 7 hours scheduled were worked in full, you would report 7.8 hours worked, plus .2 of PTU or ETW for the day.
Using the chart when employee is working over their scheduled shift:
If the employee works over their scheduled shift, look up additional minutes on the chart and add tenths shown to the number of full hours worked that day.
Example: Employee works an additional 10 minutes beyond their scheduled 8-hour shift. In other words they worked 10 minutes of an additional hour. According to the tenths chart, 10 minutes of an hour worked equates to .2. Therefore you would report 8 REG and .2 OTP for the day (assuming the employee worked 32 REG the rest of the week, or the employee is eligible for daily overtime).
Important Note: For non-exempt staff which are all biweekly paid, all hours worked over 40 in a week, whether authorized or not, must be paid at the overtime rate.
Timekeeper Tip
A new job aid is available, “How to Evaluate a Punch or Web Clock Timesheet for Timekeepers and Approvers”. It can be found here.
There are several resources available to assist Michigan Medicine time keepers and employees during these challenging times.
- COVID-19 Paid Time Off Flow Chart (a guide for reporting time by situation)
- COVID-19 PTO Bank Grid
- COVID-19 Time Reporting
If you still have questions, email MMHR-COVID19@med.umich.edu. If your questions are related to timekeeping, contact the Michigan Medicine Payroll office at 734-615-8722 and leave a message or email hr-payroll@med.umich.edu.