Holiday Time Reporting
Two reminders regarding holiday time reporting:
- As of Jan. 1, 2020, all non-bargained for staff (including monthly exempt) receive ‘Holiday at 1.5’ (HWT) for hours worked on a holiday; except when working on Christmas Day where it’s ‘Holiday at 2.0’ (HWD).
- Bargained for staff should refer to the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreement
- For employees using EFMLA (PFL) 2/3 pay, reporting depends on whether or not they are supplementing with additional banks to receive full pay. Employees supplementing PFL receive full holiday pay. Employees not supplementing PFL should have holiday reported at 2/3, with remaining 1/3 reported as excused no-pay.
The Holiday Time Reporting Guides for all workgroups have been updated to include examples of all of these scenarios.
Clarification regarding EFMLA (PFL)
Two week “bridge”
The first two weeks of an approved EFMLA is unpaid. However, the employee can use paid-time off options such as the Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSLA) (PEL), if not exhausted, or standard PTO to bridge to EFMLA.
Supplementing pay
Effective May 1, EFMLA (PFL) is paid at 2/3 pay. Employees can supplement the remaining 1/3 pay using either remaining hours of the COVID-19 PTO (RPN/PAN), issued in March, or their standard PTO or vacation time.
Supplemental codes
COVID-19 PTO – use RSP
PTO – use PHP
Vacation – use VHP
8 PFL/2.67 RSP for an 8-hour day using COVID-19 PTO
8 PFL/2.67 PHP for an 8-hour day using PTO
Temporary reduction in hours and remaining COVID PTO banks
Employees who are participating in a temporary reduction in hours as part of the system’s Economic Recovery Plan efforts will need to adjust any remaining COVID PTO banks to their new appointment. Banks will be returned to their full state upon return to their previous FTE. The formula for determining the new balance is:
New FTE divided by the previous FTE times the current balance equals the new balance.
Example: Employee went from 1.0 to .8 FTE; has 80 hours remaining in COVID-19 PTO.
.8 / 1.0 X 80 = 64 (new balance)
Use the same formula when they return to a 1.0 FTE to adjust the hours back up
Updated Michigan Medicine Punch & Web Clock Time Reporting Standards
There have been several updates to the Michigan Medicine Punch & Web Clock Time Reporting Standards, including the tenths chart and information related to the overtime rule that creates overtime if eligible hours exceed 43.5 in a week. Also, we’ve added more detail in relationship to unpaid lunch breaks specifically in regards to those that punch out for lunch vs those that do not.
CORRECTION: New and improved tenths chart for time reporting
Last week the example shared with the new bi-directional tenth chart was incorrect. Please use the updated information below moving forward. We apologize for the confusion.
NEW Bi-Directional Tenths Chart for Time Reporting

Using the chart when employee is working less than their scheduled shift:
If the employee is late, determine the number of minutes they worked out of the partial hour in which they were late, compare to the chart and add tenths to the number of full hours worked that day.
CORRECTED Example: Employee is 10 minutes late and was scheduled to work an 8-hour shift. This means they worked 50 minutes of the first hour of their scheduled shift. According to the chart, 50 minutes of the hour worked is .8. Assuming the other 7 hours scheduled were worked in full, you would report 7.8 hours worked, plus .2 of PTU or ETW for the day.
Timekeeper Tip
When accessing MMHR documents in M-Box, be sure to download the document for the best view. We are updating resources regularly, sometimes weekly, and recommend bookmarking the links, as well as checking each week for possible updates.

There are several resources available to assist Michigan Medicine time keepers and employees during these challenging times.
- COVID-19 Paid Time Off Flow Chart (a guide for reporting time by situation)
- COVID-19 PTO Bank Grid
- COVID-19 Time Reporting
If you still have questions, email If your questions are related to timekeeping, contact the Michigan Medicine Payroll office at 734-615-8722 and leave a message or email