Happy National Payroll Week!
As we celebrate National Payroll Week, I want to personally thank you for the incredible work you do to support Payroll and our employees. You deserve recognition for all you do to make sure our employees are paid on time and correctly, especially during this critical, and sometimes stressful time, of the COVID-19 pandemic. In such a large organization as ours, things can change and evolve very quickly, but you manage it all with professionalism and dedication every week. That makes YOU the Leaders and Best! Thank you for all of you do, and I appreciate you and all of your accomplishments past, present, and future. Please take the time to celebrate the great work that you do, and the very valuable impact you have on our great organization.
Thank you so much!!!
Amanda Louks
Michigan Medicine Payroll Manager
December Monthly Pay Date Change
To create consistency with other months, the December monthly time entry cutoff will be at 10 a.m. on December 21, 2020, and the pay date will be December 31, 2020.
Previously the cutoff for December monthly payroll would be earlier in the month, requiring an increase in corrections, and the pay date was prior to the U-M observed Christmas holiday. This caused a longer time span between the December and January pay dates (sometimes up to six weeks).
All employees will get notification of this change in the coming weeks.
Holiday Time Reporting Guides (Updated)
Holiday time reporting guides on the Holiday Time Reporting page of the MMHR website have been updated. Updates include clarification on shift reporting with holiday codes. If you have downloaded any of the holiday guides, please be sure to review the latest versions.
Weekly Payroll Communications Available Online
All Michigan Medicine HR-Payroll weekly communications are available for reference on the Timekeeping & Pay page of the Michigan Medicine HR website. Please refer back to these when you have questions as we share many updates and resources each week.
Timekeeper Tip
Reminder to have all time reported and approved in the system the day before (or sooner) than the actual payroll cutoff. Reserve cutoff morning before 10 a.m. to make last-minute changes and auditing.
The following queries should be run twice prior to the payroll cutoff and then again on payroll cutoff morning to check any last minute approvals or changes.