2021 Payroll Calendars and Accrual Schedules Available Now!
COVID 19 Time Reporting
This is a reminder to check the COVID-19 Time Reporting web page for the most up to date resources to assist with reporting time for situations related to COVID.
Michigan Medicine 120 Hour Bank
The Michigan Medicine 120-hour (PCP) bank is to be used for employees that have been exposed to COVID-19 at work and test positive.
If an employee suspects they are sick with COVID, they need to notify OHS.
If the employee learns that they are sick with COVID, they also need to notify OHS as outlined here: Michigan Medicine COVID 19 FAQ's
- OHS will notify Work Connections if there is a positive employee. Work Connections will then establish if this is a potential Workers Compensation claim and will work with the HRSC Leave Management team in opening a potential FMLA case.
- The employee should be in contact with their manager during this time.
If the supervisor or timekeeper are unable to determine if the employee should have access to the COVID 120-hour bank please email MMHR-COVID19@med.umich.edu with responses to the following questions:
- When did the employee become ill?
- Is the employee working remotely or going into patient care buildings?
- When was the last time the employee was in the patient care building in relation to getting sick?
- Does the employee interact with patients or provide support to patient care areas?
If the answer to Q3 is within 14 days of becoming ill, and if the answer to Q4 is yes, the employee will be able to use the bank of time.
Reporting EFMLA (PFL) Accurately
EFMLA hours are used for child care issues only related to the COVID pandemic. To use this 10 weeks of paid time at two-thirds pay, employees must:
- Have an approved FMLA case with the HR Solutions Center
- Use two weeks of other paid time or no pay as a bridge to using this bank of time
When reporting PFL hours on a timesheet you must report up to standard hours each week (e.g. 40 hrs. /week). Do not report two-thirds of the hours as it results in overpayment. The system will automatically adjust the pay to two-thirds.
40 hour a week: working five 8’s Mon-Fri
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
32 hour a week: working 6.4 hours a day Mon-Fri
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
6.4 PFL 6.4 PFL 6.4 PFL 6.4 PFL 6.4 PFL
40 hour a week: working three 9’s and one 4
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Payroll Controls Standard Practice Guide
Any staff member who has payroll responsibilities should be familiar with the Payroll Controls Standard Practice Guideand applying the standard practices.
“Each department is responsible for maintaining adequate internal controls for payroll related processes, which include an effective system of monitoring and oversight to ensure the accuracy and validity of its payroll”.
The Payroll Controls SPG gives direction on time reporting and approvals, payroll transaction verification, payroll monitoring at the management level and separation of duties requirements.
Please take the time to review and send any questions you have to: HR-Payroll@med.umich.edu
Holiday Time Reporting Videos and Q & A Webinar
Michigan Medicine Payroll will host a holiday time reporting webinar from 9 - 10 a.m. on Friday, November 20 via Zoom. The webinar will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and receive feedback from our team on requests related to holiday time reporting.
Training videos about holiday time reporting will be made available prior to this session. A notice will be sent to the Timekeeper Network when they are available. Please watch these videos prior to joining the webinar and bring any questions you may have.
You may also send your holiday questions ahead of time to Amanda Louks at alouks@med.umich.edu. The Zoom link will be shared in next week’s Timekeeper Update.
December PTO/ Vacation Loads for Campus Bargained For Staff
In addition to the usual 32 hours of PTO or vacation time loaded for AFSCME and Trades bargained-for staff, an additional 24 hours will be added for these groups as part of the university’s recently announced recognition incentive. In addition, IUOE bargained-for employees will receive an additional 16 hours for the same recognition incentive.
This time is added as hours into PTO/Vacation banks because as a 24/7 operation, Mcihian Medicine does not have season days similar to campus.
To be eligible, employees must be actively employed in a Michigan Medicine department on December 1.
Amounts will be prorated by FTE. The hours will be loaded after the December accrual is entered and will be available for use starting November 29, 2020 (start of the biweekly pay period). This gives the entire month of December to use the hours if the additional hours cause a balance that exceeds the maximum allowed in accordance with the respective bargaining agreements.
We want to hear from you! Please send us your feedback on these communications or tell us topics you would like included in upcoming editions. Email: HR-Payroll@med.umich.edu