U-M Health Timekeepers & Approvers Weekly Update: Thursday, June 17, 2022

Record Only Adjustments to Payable Time Process

When a Payroll Correction Form is sent to the Payroll Team requesting an adjustment to an employee's pay via an off-cycle payment, a Record Only Adjustment to the Payable Time record in M-Pathways is required so that Payable Time accurately reflects what was paid for a particular pay period. Currently the Payroll Team processes the Record Only Adjustments to Payable Time in the system for every Correction Form they receive. 

Starting with Corrections dated June 26, 2022 and forward, the requestor (e.g. Timekeepers or Approvers) of the correction will need to process the Record Only Adjustments to Payable Time in the system.

When corrections to an employee's pay is necessary due to incorrect time reporting the most efficient method is to update the timesheet (prior period adjustment) and allow the adjustment to reflect on the next on-cycle paycheck. This process does not require a Record Only Adjustment to Payable Time.

When a correction to an employee's paycheck is necessary, first offer the employee a correction on their next paycheck to see if that works for them. If a significant portion of their check is missing then you would likely want to request the off-cycle check. Be sure to refer to applicable contract language for staff that are covered under a collective bargaining agreement.

Training for processing Record Only Adjustments to Payable Time: 

  • Office Hours on June 22, 2022 from 2-3pm (listed below) will be focused on Record Only Adjustments 
  • There will be a video and a step-by-step job aid available on the MMHR Timekeeping & Pay web page the week of June 26, 2022
    • Training resources will be sent out to this group next week

Important Note:

Another instance where timekeepers should process Record Only Adjustments to Payable Time is in response to changes done by Campus Payroll when they adjust pay for Workers Comp cases, which are done directly on the check vs through updates on the timesheet (Reported Time). The timesheet (Reported Time) should not be updated in these cases.

Newly Created Queries

Two new queries were created that include data from multiple records for employees with multiple jobs. These queries will help departments assess when Overtime needs to be reported or to assess total usage of particular types of time such as PTO or the use of COVID hours. The queries are limited to data reported or processed in the prior 6 month period.


Payroll Team Office Hours

Amanda Louks, Payroll Manager (or designee) will be available for “Office Hours” to meet with Timekeepers & Approvers once a week.

Office Hours Schedule:

  • Wednesday June 22, 2022 2-3pm (Topic: Record Only Adjustments Process) Rolling this process out to departments effective June 26, 2022

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