U-M Health Timekeepers & Approvers Weekly Update: Thursday, July 14, 2022

Reminder: Record Only Adjustments to Payable Time Process

Starting with Corrections for time reporting on June 26, 2022 and going forward, the requester (e.g. Timekeepers or Approvers)  will need to process a Record Only Adjustment to Payable Time in the system.

For more information about why Record Only Adjustments to Payable Time are necessary please refer to our communication sent a couple of weeks ago announcing the change: Record Only Adjustments to Payable Time

Resources to help with processing Record Only Adjustments: 

Updated Correction Form (with Record Only reminder)

When should the Record Only to Payable Time Adjustment be processed?

Option 1: Wait a day or two to see if the pay analyst has any questions or they send the form back for needed changes.

Option 2: Process the Record Only right away (so they don’t pile up) but just know that a change might be required if the form is sent back for needed changes.

Reminder: Check the Review paycheck page to ensure the off-cycle reflects what you requested to be paid (after 4pm on Thursday).


Another instance where timekeepers should process Record Only Adjustments to Payable Time is in response to changes done by Campus Payroll when they adjust pay for Workers Comp cases which are done directly on the check vs through updates on the timesheet (Reported Time). The timesheet (Reported Time) should not be updated in these cases.

Recent Improvements to Time Entry Pages

The following updates will be available in M-Pathways starting on Wednesday, July 13, 2022:

  • TCD ID (Time Collection Device) field was added to the punch time entry view of the Enter Time page
    • This data is used to determine which clock or device was used to punch in or out
  • Supervisor name was added in the Employee Info section at the top of each Time Entry page
    • Enter Time (punch and elapsed)
    • Time summary
    • Report Time

Weekly Time Entry

Email Communications

When sending an email to the Michigan Medicine Payroll Team (HR-Payroll@med.umich.edu) be sure to include the Employee ID, Employee Name, and the Topic in the subject line, when applicable.


  • 12345678-0 Jones, John, Incorrect paycheck
  • 87654321-1 Smith, Joe, PTO balance question
  • General Holiday Question
  • General Question about PTO accruals
  • 23456789-0 Williams, Tina, Timesheet question
  • Missing Time
    • Be sure to attach the report you received so we can review the employee/s and pay period the inquiry is referring to

Having a relevant subject line helps us get to the root of the inquiry much faster and helps us keep track of the email. Thank you for your attention to this matter!

Document Naming

When sending documents and request forms to MMHR whether it be to the Payroll Office or the HR Solutions Center we ask that you name those documents as follows:

Last Name_Employee ID


·       Louks_23456789

·       Smith_09876543

This will help us greatly, as most of these documents need to be imaged into our document imaging system which requires this naming scheme. It will eliminate the need for us to rename all the documents before we send them off to be imaged. Thank you so much!

Payroll Team Office Hours

Amanda Louks, Payroll Manager (or designee) will be available for “Office Hours” to meet with Timekeepers & Approvers once a week.

Office Hours Schedule:

  • No Office Hours Next Week

***Please send in topic ideas

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