May 6-7: M-Pathways HRMS Outage During “PeopleTools” Upgrade
The M-Pathways Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is scheduled to be offline beginning Saturday, May 6, at 8 a.m. for the PeopleTools upgrade. PeopleTools is the infrastructure that supports the M-Pathways HRMS. The system will be back online Sunday, May 7, at 7:00 a.m. The outage will include M-Pathways Human Resource Management System, Employee Self Service, and applying for positions using the University of Michigan Careers website.
A few enhancements will be available, and details will be available closer to the outage time frame. This upgrade is needed to maintain support, including bug fixes and enhancements.
New feature resources:
Temp RN to Per Diem Process
Below is the schedule HR uses to identify Temp RNs who are eligible to move to Per Diem status in accordance with the UMPNC/MNA Collective Bargaining Agreement. It is a quarterly process and the effective date of the reclass is the start of the biweekly pay period of the last check in the month following the quarter the Temp RN met the 400 hours worked threshold in a calendar year.
Emails are sent to the employees who qualify each quarter and their supervisors. The supervisor is directed to submit a PAR reclassing the employee using the effective date that corresponds with the quarter listed in the grid below.

The ODS_MTL_PYBL_TIME_EMPL_ARC_DUR query in M-pathways can be used to pull the number of hours worked if an employee is asking. Enter in the calendar dates 1/1 through the current date to find all the hours worked as they were reported.