U-M Health Timekeepers & Approvers Weekly Update: June 20, 2024

UM Time Reporting Standard – Day Shift as First Shift of the Day

The standard for reporting time at UM is based on day shift being the first shift of the day.

On any particular day, an employee may be scheduled to work the day, afternoon, or night shift and all the hours they worked for those shifts is reported on the day the shift started. This is true even if the employee works past midnight and into the next day when working a night shift.

The Shift Premium Pay policy dictates what shifts are day, afternoon, or night shifts. https://hr.umich.edu/working-u-m/management-administration/compensation-classification/wage-schedules 


The only exception to this is for those using the ANSOS Scheduling system (mainly inpatient nursing departments) where the night shift is currently considered the first shift of the day, only because the UMPNC collective bargaining agreement (CBA) dictates this as the case for bargained-for nurses. This will change in January 2025 when new contract language becomes effective. Anyone using ANSOS will transition to defining the day shift as the first shift of the day coming into alignment with U-M’s standard practice in January 2025. More information will be sent out about this change for all those impacted at a later date.

Departments who are currently scheduling and reporting time using the night shift as the first shift of the day and who do not use the ANSOS scheduling system will need to transition to day shift being the first shift of the day no later than January 2025.

For questions, contact Amanda Louks, Payroll Manager, alouks@med.umich.edu

Steps for a Successful Payroll by Time Entry Method

The Steps to a Successful Payroll resource detail steps in the timekeeping process that will lead to accurate and on-time paychecks for your employees. If you’re new (or not so new) to timekeeping, these documents can help you to establish a reliable payroll process, and if you’re experienced at timekeeping, you may find ways to further optimize your process.

Time Collection Method Descriptions

There are four methods for capturing reported time at U-M Health. 

  1. Self-Service Time Reporting: Employees report their time on the Employee Self-Service page in Wolverine Access.
  2. WebClock Time Reporting: Employees clock/punch in and out via the Employee Self-service page in Wolverine Access. Punched time appears on the timesheet, along with a total of worked hours.
  3. Punch Time Reporting: Employees clock/punch in and out by swiping their U-M ID at a physical timeclock. Punched time appears on the timesheet, along with a total of worked hours.
  4. Direct Entry Time Reporting: Employees complete a paper timesheet. Time is then entered into M-Pathways by a timekeeper.

Interface File Loads: Departments that use scheduling systems to initiate the time reporting process by interfacing reported time data directly into the M-Pathways timesheet.

July 2024 Payroll Calendar

The July 2024 Payroll Calendar is now available on the MMHR website. To receive Outlook payroll calendar reminders, follow these instructions to add the Outlook calendar Michigan Medicine Payroll Cutoffs & Due Dates.