Payroll Webinar: Commonly-Asked Questions TODAY
Do you have a payroll or timekeeping question that you’ve been meaning to ask, or want to see an example of how to enter a specific time code in timesheets? Now is your chance to ask and receive live feedback. Join Michigan Medicine Payroll Manager Amanda Louks TODAY at 2 p.m. for a one-hour webinar to answer the most commonly asked questions. Submit your question or example request to with the subject line “Payroll Webinar Question.”
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Early biweekly payroll cutoff during July 4th week
A reminder of important dates for the biweekly payroll run the week of the July 4th holiday:
- Early biweekly payroll cut-off: 10 a.m. on Monday, June 29
- Payday: Thursday, July 2
- University-recognized Holiday: Friday, July 3
CORRECTION: Off-cycle payroll will process early on Wednesday, July 1.We anticipate that our office as well as the Central Payroll Office will be busy given the special paydays, so please submit correction forms requiring off-cycle payment as early as possible to ensure timely processing.
Fourth of July Holiday Pay
The July 4th holiday is on a Saturday this year, and the university and Michigan Medicine will observe the holiday on Friday, July 3. For those departments that are open on the holiday (July 4th) you may observe the actual holiday instead of the U-M observed date as a unit. The choice must be consistently applied to all staff within each unit. See the UMHS & Shared Services Non-Bargained for Staff Holidays Policy for more information. Departments are required to communicate in writing to all staff when the holiday will be observed on the actual holiday rather than the UM observed holiday. Please refer to the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreement for bargained for groups of staff.
When reporting the holiday on the day it will be observed you will use the HOL time reporting code when it’s a part of their weekly standard hours. The number of hours will be their normal or scheduled shift length is for that day.
If the holiday falls on the employee’s day off, the HOM time reporting code should be used and pro-rated based on their appointment fraction. (i.e. 8 hours for full time or 7.2 for a .8 FTE employee).
Reduction in Force Time Reporting Code
Employees put on a Reduction in Force notification and are not working during their designated timeframe (30 or 90 days) need to report the new time reporting code “RIF”. If an employee is working through the notification period, time should be recorded as normal using “REG” for worked hours, plus all other appropriate codes. Shift premium if applicable is paid on RIF hours. During the notification period, PTO will still accrue as normal, and will be paid out once the unpaid notification period begins.
See the Reduction in Force Standard Practice Guide for more information.
*For Bargained for employees please refer to the appropriate collective bargaining agreement for more details on Reduction in Force procedures.
Additional Resources
There are several resources available to assist Michigan Medicine time keepers and employees during these challenging times.
- COVID-19 Paid Time Off Flow Chart (a guide for reporting time by situation)
If you still have questions, email If your questions are related to timekeeping, contact the Michigan Medicine Payroll office at 734-615-8722 and leave a message or email