Michigan Medicine Timekeeper & Approver Update: April 1, 2022

M-Pathways System Fixes

Earlier this week ITS implemented a couple of fixes that should make the performance of the system better, especially for the punch timesheet. After the Fluid time reporting pages were implemented we experienced a significant slow-down in the system when working in the Enter Time and other pages. ITS has been working diligently with the vendor to figure out how to speed things up. Hopefully you’ve noticed a difference. Let us know if you see improvements.

Today you will notice when you open the Time and Labor WorkCenter the Enter Time search page will be the first page displayed. Previously it was the Approvals page. This change was done due to some system performance issues experienced yesterday. This is actually a good change since we recommend Approvers use the Enter Time page for reviewing, updating and approving time. The Enter Time page gives you a view of the entire timesheet and appointment information about the employee that is needed to ensure you are approving time accurately.

Payroll Team Office Hours Pilot

Amanda Louks, Payroll Manager (or designee) will be available for “Office Hours” to meet with Timekeepers & Approvers twice a week for an hour.

There will be designated topics for each session followed by Q & A for any questions you have related or unrelated to the topic. Come join us!

Office Hours Schedule:

  • Monday April 4, 2022 11am-12noon (Topic “Leave Banks”)
  • Wednesday April 6, 2022 12noon-1pm  (Topic “Review Paycheck page”)
  • Monday April 11, 2022 11am-12noon (Topic “Queries”)
  • Thursday April 14, 2022 1pm-2pm (Topic “Reviewing Job Data”)

Use the zoom link below to join any of the dates/times listed above.

 Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 940 6634 3290

One tap mobile

+16468769923,,94066343290# US (New York)

+13017158592,,94066343290# US (Washington DC)

New Query to Audit Additional Pay Entries

A new query was created and made public that allows someone to pull additional pay entries in the system by static group for a range of dates. The new query is called MPY_ADDL_PAY_GROUP.

Payroll Controls

Payroll Controls is a policy in the Standard Practice Guide that provides guidance and oversight for the payroll process at U-M. Included are guidelines on the following payroll responsibilities:

  • Time Reporting
  • Time Approval
  • Payroll Transaction Verification
  • Payroll Monitoring at the Management Level
  • Separation of Duties

Timekeepers to approvers should review this policy and ensure they are familiar with it, and their department is in compliance. If departments have questions about any part of the Payroll Controls, contact the MM HR-Payroll Office.

If you have further questions, please reach out to your pay analyst directly. If you do not know who your pay analyst is, please check here