IMPORTANT: Payroll Form Updates
Please note that the following payroll forms have been updated to align with our new Business Partner Grouping organization:
- Payroll Correction Form
- Repayment Agreement
These forms now include a “Payroll Analyst” field with a drop-down menu. Please remember that if you’re not certain who is the Payroll Analyst for your department, that you can use the lookup tool available here.
>> If you have a saved copy of these forms on your computer, please be sure to update your copy to the updated form. <<
New Query to Audit Prior Period Adjustments
A new payable time query is available in M-Pathways: MTL_PAYABLE_TIME_DEPT_PRIOR_PD
This query will identify prior period adjustments for a specific pay period, showing both the date for which a prior period adjustment was made, and on which paycheck that adjustment was reflected. Example: Running the query for the 4/17 - 4/30/2022 biweekly pay period shows that a prior period adjustment was made for 4/13/2022 to change 8 ESA to 12 ESA. The ‘Check Date’ column on the far right (circled in the example below) shows that this change paid out on the employee’s 5/6/2022 paycheck.
This query will be especially helpful in assisting departments when Gross Pay does not match the reported time. Often this occurs due to a prior period adjustment showing on the paycheck. By running this query, departments can quickly identify if a prior period adjustment was processed as part of a paycheck.
What are the most common issues/questions you respond to from Supervisors and Employees within your departments?
Let us know so we can talk about these in one of our upcoming “Office Hours” sessions. Feel free to send us specific scenarios including the employee ID for use as a case study. We want to hear from you!
Payroll Team Office Hours
Amanda Louks, Payroll Manager (or designee) will be available for “Office Hours” to meet with Timekeepers & Approvers once a week.
Office Hours Schedule:
- Thursday May 19, 2022 2-3pm (Topic: Overtime & Overtime Liability)
- Monday May 23, 2022 12-1pm (Topic: TBD - Let us know what you want to hear!)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 940 6634 3290
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