Employee Recognition and Achievement

The mission of recognition at Michigan Medicine is to create a more positive workplace and culture, resulting in increased levels of organizational effectiveness, including financial performance, customer satisfaction, productivity, employee engagement and retention. Executed through Human Resources, it is our goal to manage the relationships between our workforce and the institution when it comes to acknowledging, celebrating, and rewarding the commitment and contributions of our employees. We do this work through several channels, including but not limited to:

Michigan Medicine Awards

Making a Difference Awards

Available for: All Michigan Medicine Employees
Description: This day-to-day award accepts nominations from any staff member, patient or family member in recognition of great service.
Award: Awards are forwarded to the individual's department, where awardees receive a certificate and invitation to a reception.
Visit: Employee Recognition and Achievement Resources for the Making a Difference Form.
Questions: Michigan Medicine Employee Recognition Chairperson 734-936-8710

Faculty & Staff Awards

Available for: Michigan Medicine Faculty & Staff
Description: The Faculty & Staff Award program acknowledges and celebrates those who demonstrate exceptional accomplishment in the areas of teaching, research, clinical care, community service, technology, leadership, teamwork, and administration.
Award: Each award carries a $2,500 discretionary support prize given to the faculty/staff member or group and awardees will be invited to an award ceremony.
Visit: Faculty & Staff Awards for more information.
Questions: Michigan Medicine Recognition Department at michigan-medicine-recognition-programs@med.umich.edu or 734-232-0378

Candace J. Johnson Award Recipient from 2007, Marga Schulwerk Hampel

Candace J. Johnson Award for Staff Excellence

Available for: All U-M Employees
Description: This annual award recognizes employees who are nominated due to their positive influence on the workplace. Nominees make a difference by combining enthusiasm with excellence.
Award: A $500 cash award and certificate will be presented annually in December by the Office of the Provost.
Visit: Employee Recognition and Achievement Resources for campus HR website information on the award.
Questions: University Human Resources, 734-763-1284

Gifts of Art Employee Art Exhibition

Available for: All Michigan Medicine Employees
Description: Annually, Gifts of Art mounts an exhibit of Michigan Medicine employee and volunteer artwork. This event showcases the exceptional talent and creativity of our team. 
Award: The exhibition is juried and there are ribbon awards for "Best in Category" and "Best in Show." A "People's Choice" ribbon is determined by patient, employee and visitor ballots.
Visit: Employee Recognition and Achievement Resources for campus HR website information on the event.
Questions: Contact Elaine Sims, Director, Gifts of Art, 734-936-7634

UMatter! Staff Recognition Program

Available for: Any U-M regular staff member
Description: This monthly award acknowledges the tremendous efforts and contributions staff make to the University of Michigan and provides individual recognition for outstanding service and actions for more casual day-to-day performance.
Visit: Employee Recognition and Achievement Resources for central campus HR website information
Award: UMatter pin and certificate, kudos submitted to University Record
Questions: University Human Resources, 734-763-1284

Nursing at Michigan Excellence Awards

Available for: Any Michigan Medicine Nurse, plus Physician and Allied Health partners
Description: This annual award recognizes 11 individuals and 1 nursing team for their exceptional skills, commitment to patient care, and impact on the nursing community. 10 awards are in recognition of nursing, with 2 additional awards for outstanding physician and allied health partners.
Award: Lapel pin and flower bouquet presented on-unit; individual engraved award and personalized scrub top/lab coat presented at prestigious reception dinner; plus cash prize dependent on award won.
Visit: Website for more information and to submit nominations
Questions: Nurse & PA Recruitment and Retention, 734-936-5183, or NurseRecruit_UMHS@med.umich.edu


Departmental or Campus Awards

University of Michigan Service Awards

Available for: All Michigan Medicine Employees
Description: Our staff members are one of the truly vital resources that enables the University to meet its mission. The Service Award Program celebrates this fact by recognizing and honoring those who reach a career milestone.
Award: Awards vary depending upon years of service. One year: pewter key fob. Five year: U-M glass coaster set. Award anniversaries: 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 Years
Visit: Employee Recognition and Achievement Resources for central campus HR website information
Questions: JoAnn Grantham, 734-936-8710 or jogrant@med.umich.edu

Beverly Jean Howard Award for Excellence in Social Work - Social Worker of the Year

Beverly Jean Howard Award for Excellence in Social Work - Social Worker of the Year

Available for: Any Michigan Medicine Social Worker
Description: This annual award recognizes excellence in social work practice and is given in memory of Beverly Jean Howard, a colleague who passed away in September 2002.
Award: Continued professional education funding, an individual plaque and name engraved on the perpetual plaque.
Questions: Social Worker of the Year Committee, 734-764-8052

DAISY Nursing Awards

Available for: Michigan Medicine Nursing Staff
Description: This monthly award recognizes the super-human work that nurses do every day all over the country.
Award: A certificate, DAISY Award Pin, a unique, hand-carved Shona stone sculpture and Cinnabons for all the nurses in the department
Visit: Employee Recognition and Achievement Resources for a link to the Daisy Foundation website
Questions:  The DAISY Foundation, PO Box 788, Glen Ellen, CA 95442; 707-996-7936; bonniebarnes@daisyfoundation.org

Debbie Verhines Support Services YoU-Factor Award for World Class Customer Service

Available for: All Operations and Support Service Staff
Description: This annual award is given to the employee within the division that best exemplifies the eight YoU-Factor principles on a consistent basis (every day).
Award: Individual plaque, name engraved on the perpetual plaque for public display, $1,000 cash award.
Visit: Debbie Verhines Support Services YoU-Factor Award
Questions:  Steve Raymond, Director Leadership and Staff Development, 734-936-5052

Evan Newport HOPE Award

Evan Newport HOPE Award

Available for: Individuals or teams working with patients and families
Description: This annual award recognizes employees and teams  who go above and beyond to demonstrate their commitment to improving the patient and family experience.
Award: Individual Winner(s) - Certificate and gift card. Team winner(s) - celebration lunch provided by the Office of Patient Experience, and traveling HOPE trophy/plaque to display for year
Nomination Period: Nominations are accepted in late summer/early fall and awards are announced in December. 
Visit: Office of Patient Experience Awards and Recognition
Questions:  Office of Patient Experience, patient-experience@med.umich.edu

Mike Moses Humanitarian Award

Mike Moses Humanitarian Award

Available for: Any employee of the Security, Entrance Services or Key/ID office
Description: This annual award honoring Mike Moses recognizes qualities of respect, positive nature, pride in performance and customer service.
Award: A personal engraved book/clock, name engraved on the perpetual plaque for public display in Key/ID office, a check from the department for $800 and a check from Mike Moses' family for $200.
Questions:  Tammy Raiford, Administrative Assistant, tamnel@umich.edu

Jack Billi Award for Inspiring Quality Improvement

Available for: Any Michigan Medicine faculty or staff member
Description: The Quality Department established the Jack Billi Award for Inspiring Quality Improvement to recognize a Michigan Medicine faculty or staff member who exhibits the passion and characteristics that Jack exemplified. 
Visit: The Jack Billi Award information page on the Quality Department web site for nomination criteria and more information. 
Questions: Quality Department