Our teams met twice (Monday, 3/30, and Tuesday, 3/31) this week to advance our shared goals to create the best possible House Officer experience. Important progress was made over the course of the two evenings. We are pleased to report that we reached tentative agreements on the VA partnership, sharpened language on the description of the bargained for unit, and the status of benefits during unpaid short term leaves of absence. We also agreed to maintain current contract language related to extracurricular medical practice (or “moonlighting).
We engaged in informative conversations around topics related to current and future work environments, including call rooms and dedicated House Officer workspace within the new inpatient tower. Based on those discussions, we continue to work on developing solutions that are fair, in line with institutional and accrediting body requirements where applicable, and responsive to House Officer needs.
Significant discussion will continue around the economic package moving forward. Both sides shared counter proposals this week that will require thorough analysis. The University continues to present offers that reflect the unique role and expertise of House Officers, market expectations, and our desire to be both responsible stewards of the institution’s resources and an industry-leading employer.
Both teams are working together to identify the remaining items left for discussion, determine presentation timing and gather any additional information required prior to the start of said conversations. Some of these topics include parking, off campus assignments, meal support, holiday scheduling and the economic package.
Our next meeting is currently scheduled for Thursday, 4/2, with additional sessions scheduled over the next several days as needed, according to team availability as all balance increased demands related to COVID-19.