UPDATE! EPSLA bank available until May 28
Employees may use the EPSLA time off bank for temporary lack of work due to COVID-19 until May 28, per today’s extension of the Michigan Stay Home executive order.
COVID-19 PTO bank usage tracking
It is the sole responsibility for each department or unit to track all COVID-19 paid time off bank usage and to ensure there is no over usage of these banks of time. This includes the COVID-19 PTO and EPSLA banks. All banks are pro-rated by the employees FTE. Timekeepers and approvers can refer to the April 17 Timekeeper Update for the list of queries available to determine employee usage of each bank.
How to determine remaining balance of COVID-19 PTO
To determine how much time a staff member has remaining from the original COVID-19 PTO bank issued in March 2020, run the below query for the March date range. Subtract what has already been used in March from the 80-hours (pro-rated) allotted to determine what is left to be used beginning May 1, 2020. The COVID-19 PTO Supplemental bank hours used in April should not be included in your calculation – only those hours used before March 31. The Supplemental use of the COVID-19 bank ended on April 30.
Verification of Employment (VOE) Requests
Michigan Medicine HR-Payroll has seen a significant increase in requests by banks and mortgage lenders for employment verification for Michigan Medicine staff. VOEs for all U-M staff are handled by the Shared Services Center. If employees inquire where they should obtain employment verification, please direct them to this Shared Services Center page for further information.
Commonly-asked questions about temporary furlough and temporary reduction in hours
Q. If an employee is put on a temporary furlough will anything need to be reported on their timesheet?
A. An employee taking a temporary furlough will have their appointment status changed to “Pandemic Leave” and subsequently inactivated until their return. Departments should report No Pay (ETW) on the timesheet until the appointment change shows up on Job Data in M-Pathways.
Q. If an employee participates in the temporary reduction in effort how does their time need to be reported?
A. An employee who is on a temporary reduction of effort will have their effort reduced in M-Pathways. Departments may need to report no pay to reflect the reduction in effort until the change shows up on Job Data in M-Pathways. Once the change is in the system, report their hours up to the new standard hours amount.
Q. What happens to PTO balances and accruals for those employees on temporary furlough?
A. The PTO will be held in the employees bank in the system. No additional PTO will accrue once the leave goes into effect. The PTO balances will not be paid out.
Q. What happens to PTO balances and accruals for those employees on temporary reduction of hours?
A. An employee who is on a temporary reduction of hours will accrue PTO at their new effort. If they have a balance that is over the new maximum allowable balance based on the new effort, those hours will be held and returned to the employee’s balance once the temporary reduction of hours period has ended.
Timekeeper Tip
Expanded Family Medical Leave Act Supplemental Pay Options
Beginning May 1, 2020, the Expanded Family Medical Leave Act (EFMLA) is subject to 2/3 pay (details can be found on the https://umich.box.com/s/ketovwrf8rakgfsz0efgtw32gn59dgma). This means that when EFMLA (“PFL”) hours are reported, employee’s will be paid 2/3 of their hourly rate. Employees may opt to supplement EFMLA with hours from other banks in order to receive full pay.
The following banks can be used to supplement the remaining 1/3 pay:
- COVID-19 PTO bank – If an employee has hours remaining from the original 80-hour bank issued in March, 2020, reported with the “RSP” time reporting code.
- EPSLA bank – If an employee has hours remaining from their EPSLA (PEL) bank, reported with the “PSP” time reporting code.
- PTO/Vacation bank – Once an employee has exhausted the previous options, they can supplement with the PTO or vacation bank.
- “PHP,” for employees on the PTO plan
- “VHP” for employees on the Vacation plan
Reminder: The “FML” tracking code should be reported with all PFL hours.
Reporting PFL With and Without Supplemental Banks
The M-Pathways system will automatically generate pay for 2/3 of the hours reported. If the employee chooses not to supplement the hours, the PFL is the only code which needs to be ported.
To supplement 2/3 pay: Calculate the 1/3 supplement amount. Multiply hours of PFL by .334 and report to the nearest hundredth of the hour (two places after the decimal).
Example timesheets of PFL with supplemental hours:
Full-time employee using PFL and supplementing with remaining COVID-19 PTO bank.
Supplemental calculation: 8 x .334 = 2.67 supplemental hours
Part-time employee (.6 FTE/ 24 hour) using PFL and supplementing with PTO.
Supplemental calculation: 4.8 x .334 = 1.6 supplemental hours
There are several resources available to assist Michigan Medicine time keepers and employees during these challenging times. Many address various scenarios, and provide information on how to navigate operations during the current pandemic. Bookmark these pages and refer to them often as updates are occurring regularly to adapt to the changing environment. Here is a short list of resources:
General Resources
- COVID FAQ (includes information about parking, patient care, how to report illness, PPE and other topics)
- HR FAQ (includes information about COVID PTO banks, eligibility and usage, child care, redeployment, time reporting, and other HR topics)
Payroll-specific Resources
- Updated COVID-19 Paid Time Off Flow Chart (a guide for reporting time by situation)
- COVID-19 PTO bank descriptions (a guide to all of the COVID banks)
- COVID-19 Time Reporting (includes temp bank calculation, 12-hour time reporting guide, and timekeeper FAQs)
If you still have questions, email MMHR-COVID19@med.umich.edu. If your questions are related to timekeeping, contact the Michigan Medicine Payroll office at 734-615-8722 and leave a message or email hr-payroll@med.umich.edu.