Nursing FAQs & Support

Nursing FAQs

Updated on January 16, 2025

Early January marked our one-year anniversary of utilizing the Cornerstone Performance Management platform for our nursing staff’s annual reviews. As we enter our 2nd year of using Cornerstone, there are a few critical items to know, and we invite you to follow the QR code below to watch a very brief  2-minute video on changes to this year’s structure:

  1. IMPORTANT! Peer reviewers carry forward and must be confirmed or changed within 14 days. When nurses begin this year’s evaluation, they only have the first 14 days to choose their peer reviewers for this year. After that 14-day window, they are stuck with last year’s group of peer reviewers and the system will automatically invite them for peer feedback. This means that if they selected no one last year, they would have none pre-populated this year. Or, if they have since changed units or teams, they must update this information within the first 14 days or they will not be able to do so. To request more time, enter a Cornerstone Performance Help Ticket before day 14.
  2. Steps must be completed in time to prevent system lockout.

Tips on finding last year’s evaluations and goals to make this year’s process even easier for you, your supervisor, and your peer reviewers are covered in the  video


Updated April 23, 2024

Crucial information

The Cornerstone evaluation process for Framework and RSAM nurses (excluding APRNs) officially launched in January 2024, allowing us to fully utilize the updated platform and its many upgraded features. Cornerstone's automated cadence (see diagram) assigns evaluations to nurses 60 days prior to their start date anniversaries. Nurses with start dates of March 8 or earlier should continue the fillable PDF process this time. Reminder: Temporary and Per Diem NRs will also use the Cornerstone Performance evaluation and will be linked to the Framework evaluation.

There are built-in deadlines within Cornerstone that require prompt attention. For example, after receiving the initial email, nurses have a 14-day window to select peer reviewers. Nurses who miss this deadline will need to use the manual Ad-Hoc Peer Feedback process instead, which is not streamlined within their evaluation (see step-by-step instructions or brief video segment starting at 1:57). Once peer reviewers are selected, nurses can begin their self-evaluation and submit it within 32 days.

If more time is needed for reviewer selection, please submit a Cornerstone Performance Help Ticket – this must be done within the 14-day window. A ticket can also be entered to extend the overall evaluation time frame, or nurse leaders can reopen it after day 32.

Videos by Role: Unit AAs | Peers | Nurse Overview | Nurse Tips & FAQs | Leader Overview | Leader Tips & FAQs | Visit the Cornerstone Help Documentation Page (login required) for step-by-step tip sheets | Cornerstone Login

What's new and improved?

  • NEW! Cornerstone Performance is fully online and integrated with Cornerstone Learning

  • SIMPLIFIED! Fully automated!

    • Peer feedback/self-evaluations incorporated in Cornerstone.  

    • Auto-assigned to each RN based on anniversary date.  

    • No more fillable PDFs, saving to H Drives, or emailing back and forth.

    • No more needing to add evaluations to Blue Folders -- either in print or digitally.
  • NEW! Our Nursing Development Plan is an exciting new feature that empowers nurses to achieve professional and personal growth obligations. Nurses can create annual goals, set steps to track progress, and self-enroll in e-learning, such as LinkedIn Learning -- all from within Cornerstone Tip Sheet/Learn More

  • SIMPLIFIED! Michigan Medicine Core Values replace the previous Performance Expectations for all employees

What hasn't changed?

The general process and cadence for nursing performance evaluations remains unchanged:

  1. Obtain peer feedback covering all domains

  2. Complete self-evaluations

  3. Meet 1:1 with unit leadership

Who will this change impact?

Bargained-for nurses. Framework, RSAM, Temporary, and Per Diem nurses are included in the initial launch, with APRNs to follow.

How does this change impact Blue Folders?

In the past, evaluations were uploaded to Blue Folders after they were completed. Cornerstone Performance Management is the source of truth for everything related to evaluations now, so there is no need to add anything to our nurses' Blue Folders. For those with appropriate levels of access, Cornerstone can run reports about the completion of evaluations. Cornerstone removes redundant steps and streamlines the evaluation process. 

How will this change impact the cadence and process of nursing performance evaluations?

The nursing performance evaluation cadence will not change. Process flow continues as before, where a nurse will start the evaluation process prior to their anniversary date. Cornerstone uses integrated HR data to automatically trigger each employee's evaluations 60 days* before their individual hire date anniversary.

*In some instances, this may vary by 1 day due to Cornerstone timing configurations. 

When will the new online performance management system be implemented for nursing?

The new online performance management system for Framework and RSAM nurses was officially launched in January 2024. The system automatically assigns evaluations daily, and began with nurses whose anniversary date is March 9, 2024. Nurses with anniversary dates of March 8 or earlier should continue the fillable PDF process this time. APRN evaluations will move to Cornerstone after the initial launch.

What training will be provided for nursing?

Cornerstone Performance information and demonstrations have been presented at recent key nursing leadership, union, nurse educator, and administrative assistant meetings. These presentations will continue during the initial implementation. Short instructional videos and step-by-step tip sheets are now available!

Videos by Role: Unit AAs | Peers | Nurse Overview | Nurse Tips & FAQs | Leader Overview | Leader Tips & FAQs | Visit the Cornerstone Help Documentation Page (login required) for step-by-step tip sheets | Cornerstone Login

What's new for the administrative assistant role, and what training will be provided?

The administrative assistant role is now called the Performance Assistant role within Cornerstone. AAs will no longer need to initiate nurse evaluations. Instead, Cornerstone will automate the entire evaluation process, including the initial email and other notifications and tasks.

Performance Assistants will be able to print PDFs of employee evaluations and run reports.

The Performance Assistant role requires additional access. AAs should speak with their nurse leaders to determine if this support is needed, and from there should review the Cornerstone Performance Assistant Resources Playlist and complete the Attestation form CSOD-10016.

Learn more by viewing our short instructional video or visit the Cornerstone Help Documentation Page (login required) for step-by-step tip sheets.

How do I get help in Cornerstone?

The "Get Help" button on the Cornerstone Welcome page will take you directly to the Cornerstone Help Documentation page, where you can find many resources and videos. 

Where can I learn more about online performance management in Cornerstone?

You can stay up to date regarding the latest news and information related to the Cornerstone Performance Management upgrade by remembering to bookmark and regularly visit

As the project develops, we'll be keeping our Michigan Medicine community updated via leadership communications and Ops updates, presentations, and regular articles in Michigan Medicine Headlines. 

I have more questions. Who do I contact?

If you have questions about how the Cornerstone Performance Management rollout may affect you or your team, please submit a Cornerstone Performance Help ticket