April Payroll Calendar
The April Payroll Calendar is now available here.
Payroll Team Office Hours Pilot
Over the next few weeks Amanda Louks, Payroll Manager (or designee) will be available for “Office Hours” on zoom twice a week for an hour as a pilot to see if this offering proves to be useful ongoing. The time is intended for timekeepers and approvers to come ask questions related to timekeeping and pay or to see a demo in the M-Pathways system of any processes related to timekeeping, pay, approvals, queries, etc. Or you can just stop in and introduce yourself and say hello.
Office Hours Schedule:
- Monday March 28, 2022 11am-12noon
- Thursday March 31, 2022 12noon-1pm
- Monday April 4, 2022 11am-12noon
- Wednesday April 6, 2022 12noon-1pm
- Monday April 11, 2022 11am-12noon
- Thursday April 14, 2022 1pm-2pm
Use the zoom link below to join any of the dates/times listed above.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 940 6634 3290
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,94066343290# US (New York)
+13017158592,,94066343290# US (Washington DC)
Monthly Time Reporting Demo
The Fluid Time Entry page on the Michigan Medicine HR website has been updated to include a new demo video: Monthly Self-service Time Reporter. With March monthly payroll cutoff approaching, be sure to share the link to this video with your monthly-paid employees to assist them in reporting their time.
Static Groups Guide - Updated!
An illustrated guide to static groups Static Groups - Creating, Maintaining & Renaming.pdf is available on the Payroll Knowledge Resources page of the MMHR website. The guide explains what static groups are, how they are used throughout the timekeeping process, how to request a new static group, and how to maintain them. Supervisors and Timekeepers can use static groups for their timekeeping and approval processes.
For questions about this guide or suggestions for resources to be included on the Payroll Knowledge Resources page, contact Kim Wehrmeister.
Clarifying Types of Time Reporters and Time Collection Methods at Michigan Medicine
When we first rolled out Fluid Time Entry, the weekly update emails sent on Feb. 10 and 17, 2022, included an article that introduced terminology regarding Four types of time reporters at Michigan Medicine. Below is a better explanation of the types of time we collect at Michigan Medicine and the ways in which we collect it.
There are two types of time collected:
- Elapsed Time - When the number of hours Elapsed is reported (i.e. 8 hours REG)
- Punched Time - When a physical or virtual clock is used to record the work start and end times (i.e. 8:02am start & 4:34pm end)
There are four methods of collecting time:
- Employee Self-service (Wolverine access)
- Elapsed time reporters
- Elapsed time reporters use the Enter Time, Weekly Time, or Report Time pages to report time
- Supervisor reviews and approves the time electronically
- Punched time reporters
- Punched time reporters use Web Clock to record work start and end times
- Supervisors enter exception time and approve the time electronically
- Time Clock on the wall
- Punched time reporters swipe their badge through a physical time collection device on the wall to record their work start and end times
- Supervisors enter exception time and approve the time electronically
- Hard copy timesheet
- Employee fills in Elapsed time (i.e. 8 REG) each day on a paper timesheet
- Supervisors signs off on the paper timesheet
- Timekeeper enters the Elapsed time hours into the Enter Time page
- Interface File
- Elapsed time (i.e. 8 REG) each day is interfaced into the Enter Time page from a third party system (usually a scheduling system)
- Time comes over already approved
Supervisor approvals collected on the unit either on paper or electronically
If you have further questions, please reach out to your pay analyst directly. If you do not know who your pay analyst is, please check here.