Conversations during this week’s negotiations focused heavily on staffing. On Tuesday, MNA/UMPNC shared a presentation with Michigan Medicine on mandatory overtime, which our team found very informative.
On Thursday, MNA/UMPNC invited several nurses from across Michigan Medicine to come speak with our team about staffing shortages that are impacting their units. We appreciated hearing directly from our frontline nurses and want to thank them for taking the time to talk with us. We acknowledge the challenges they are facing and are committed to negotiating with MNA/UMPNC to develop a contract that maintains our shared goal of supporting our nurses in providing safe care for our patients.
Michigan Medicine also invited representatives from the human resources’ compensation team to present a new compensation model for nurse practitioners, which includes a step progression. The new model was built using the existing salary structure for NPs in the current contract and establishing a new step progression model.
We want to reiterate that the proposals we have presented to MNA/UMPNC are a starting point for further negotiations, and we look forward to receiving counterproposals from MNA/UMPNC as we continue working collaboratively to reach a new contract.