Michigan Medicine Timekeeper Update: Oct 15, 2020

Peopletools update go live November 7, 2020

A Peopletools software update will go live on Saturday, November 7, 2020. You will notice some pages will look different, but there will not be any functionality changes. If you notice any issues following the update, please let us know.
Additional Information: Verify & update assigned schedules in M-Pathways
In last week's communication we sent out a request to run a query to check if any staff have assigned schedules that are anything other than a zero schedule. The request is to update assigned schedules to a zero schedule if any non-zero schedule is assigned and the “apply schedule” function on the timesheet page is not being used. Doing this will prevent any issues as we continue our work on rules using schedules for punch and web clock users. If you find that no schedule is listed then no action is required. This is the same as having a zero schedule assigned.   

As a reminder, run the MTL_SCHEDHRS_BY_GROUP query to see Assigned Schedules for staff in a static group.

Here are the actions to take:

    1. Assigned Schedules are currently used by the department and accurate -or- Assigned Schedules are not used by the department and zero or no schedule is already assigned: There is nothing further for you to do.

A non-zero schedule is assigned but not being used by the department: You will need to update the Assigned Schedule to a Zero Hours, or D00000 Assigned Schedule. If you’re not sure how to do this, see instructions in last week's communication.

EFMLA Reminders: tracking and deadlines
Departments are responsible for auditing and tracking Expanded FMLA hours used by approved employees. Audits can be run (see article below) to track usage for individual employees. Also, the Federal program ends on Thursday, December 31, 2020. This means the program will end for those using the benefit, regardless of hours/weeks available, and no additional requests will be granted after this date. Additional information about the program is available here. Or, if you have any questions, please contact the HR Solution Center.  

Auditing for OTP Created by the Overtime Rules

It is very important that all departments run the queries below to ensure that the Overtime Rules are not creating overtime for anyone that was not reported in the timesheet. If any staff show up on the query it is required that corrections be made on the timesheet to reflect accurate reported time.


Updated contact resources

The following contact lists have been updated to reflect additional resources available with the MMHR Solutions Center. Please make yourself familiar with these resources and share with supervisors and staff.

Who to Contact for Employees

Who to Contact for Timekeepers & Supervisors


Identify overtime (OTP) created by rule for a particular pay period, by employee, static group, or department ID.




You can find the entire list of queries that should be run before payroll runs here.

Running all of these queries and reacting to them before payroll runs will greatly reduce the chances that your staff will be paid incorrectly. It also ensures compliance with the Payroll Controls Standard Practice Guide.


Auditing COVID Banks

It is important that departments continue to monitor and audit the use of COVID time off banks. Some data has now been archived and will require the use of “ODS” queries to gather all the data to audit for COVID PTO bank use. The ODS_MTL_PYBL_TIME_GRP_ARC_DUR query can be used as a substitute. You will need to filter out codes that you do not need to include.     

“Banks” that departments must audit, as there are no actual banks in the system to keep track:

  • COVID-19 80 hour (prorated by FTE) bank (RPN, RSP)
  • Emergency Paid Sick Leave 80 hour (prorated by FTE) bank (PEL, PSP)
  • Expanded FMLA up to 10 weeks (prorated by FTE) (PFL)
  • Patient Care 120 hour (prorated by FTE) bank (PCP)

 There are over 300 employees who have overused one or more of the COVID banks currently. A message will be sent with an attached list to each Time Report Recipient by Department ID in the next couple of days. Please watch for it so you can respond and correct it right away. All of these have to be corrected by the end of the year, otherwise we will risk being out of compliance with Federal regulations. Thank you for your attention to this matter.