2021 Announcement Archive
In this week's communication: Missing Time Report fix, PTO payouts for non-bargained for staff, UPAMM holiday reporting guide, Timekeeper Tip: Email subject lines.
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In this week's communication: A Reminder: COVID-19 Time Reporting Information Available, Missing Time vs. Unapproved Time, October payroll calendar, Processing GPRs after every payroll process, Correction forms (off-cycle) vs. prior period adjustment.
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In this week's communication: UPAMM bargaining agreement available online, Can eligible employees use COVID PTO time bank hours for COVID testing?, Employees transferring from one Punch Time Clock Device (TCD) to another , Defining Monthly Salaried Pay - A Case Study, FLSA (Fair Labor Standard Act) rules for deducting pay from exempt employees, Employees returning from LOA and Terminating on the same day.
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In this week's communication: An important reminder about payroll cutoff mornings, How to determine correct termination dates, Understanding Exempt (Monthly) Salary, New queries, and Reporting Time When Employees Work Over Then Arrive Late on Another Day in the Same Week.
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In this week's communication: November payroll calendar, Reporting to the nearest 1/10th hour, Daylight Saving Time ends Nov 7, Holiday time reporting resources, and a Timekeeper Tip.
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In this week's communication: Terminations and Time Reporting, Bargained-for Nurses Taking Childcare Unpaid Leave of Absence, Reporting Time When Employees Work Over Then Arrive Late on Another Day in the Same Week (Part 2), 2022 Pay Date Calendars Available, and Sell Back.
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In this week's communication: Supervisors Must Approve Time for Their Employees, OT Rule Query Updates, M-Pathways down time, Query Guides for Time Reporting, and a few reminders.
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In this week's communication: Queries to audit Payable Time that includes data time older than six (6) months, and a reminder when Reporting FMT (FMLA tracking code).
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In this week's communication: Special payroll cutoffs around the holidays, Online payroll training, and Holiday time reporting training and resources.
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In this week's communication: MNA December Lump Sum Payments, Sell Back program, and the January payroll calendar.
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In this week's communication: December PTO/Vacation loads for AFSCME and Trades employees, Sell Back Program, December monthly payday 2021.
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