Timekeeping & Pay

Payroll Correction Forms

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Timekeeper & Approver Updates

Michigan Medicine HR-Payroll provides updates via a weekly e-mail on Thursdays to provide important resources and information to our Timekeeper and Approver Network. An archive of updates can be found below.


Latest News

In this week's communication: Updates to time reporting starting June 8, 2022, Time reporting tip: How to view who can approve time, Payroll Office Hours.

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In this week's communication: Biweekly Payroll Cut-off Next Week (Tuesday 10 a.m.), COVID-19 Time Off Bank Reminders, Reminder: Employees Using Unpaid/Unexcused Time, June Payroll Calendar, Holiday Time Reporting, Payroll Team Office Hours.

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In this week's communication: M-Pathways fixes, Payroll Team 360 feedback request, Shift Premium case study, Payroll Team office hours.

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In this week's communication: Payroll Form Updates, New Query to Audit Prior Period Adjustments, What are the most common issues/questions you respond to from Supervisors and Employees within your departments?, and Payroll Team Office Hours.

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In this week's communication: Critical Staffing Incentive Pay and Shift Premiums, Sell Back Reminders for 2022, and May Payroll Calendar, Payroll Team Office Hours.

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In this week's communication: Sell Back reminders, PTO Payouts - Terminations, Dept excused/unexcused report, new Enter Time page feature, Payroll Office Hours pilot, and a thank you.

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In this week's update: Incremental PTO accrual process, payroll team office hours pilot, Needs Approval auditing, Featured Query, Checking Gross Pay Registers (GPRs) reminder,

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In this week's communication: M-Pathways system fixes, Payroll Team Office Hours pilot, New query to audit additioal pay entries, and Payroll Controls.

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In this week's communication: April payroll calendar, Payroll team office hours pilot, monthly time reporting demo, static groups guide updated, clarifying types of time reporters and time collection methods at Medicine Medicine

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In this week's communication: Enter Time end of the month known issue, Monthly time reporting demo, Managing Delegate Approver groups, Repayment Agreement and Payroll Correction form reminder, and finding payroll resources on the MMHR website.

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In this week's communication: Using the 'new window' feature in M-Pathways, Known Issues in Fluid Time Entry, Mid-Pay Period Changes, Static Groups, Punch Approval Tips, and a Daylight Saving Time reminder.

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SPECIAL COMMUNICATION! Important information prior to the first fluid biweekly payroll. Please review thoroughly.

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In this week's communication: Timekeepers & Approvers Network name, Fluid time entry go live Feb 23, Fluid time reporting tips, Daylight Saving Time reminder, GPR reminder.

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In this week's communication: Fluid Time Reporting Goes Live Feb 23, Punch and Web Clock Time Collection Device Audit Query, and the March Payroll Calendar.

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In this week's communication: An introduction to Fluid Time Entry going live on February 23, 2022, an overview of what's changing with Fluid Time Entry, Fluid overview resources, and Fluid Time Entry Webinar and Lab dates.

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In this week's communication: Upcoming changes to M-Pathways time entry: Fluid Time Entry Webinar, February 2022 Payroll Calendar, MOU 639 for Bargained for Nurses Reminders, Path Forward: Staffing Incentives, Share this Communication, and a request for our HR Business Unit Contact Resource.

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In this week's communication: COVID-19 Time Off bank reminders, Reporting sell back, Fluid Timesheet webinar, HR Business Unit Contact Tool.

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In this week's communication: COVID-19 Paid Time Off reminders, use of UMPNC/MNA MOU 639 Contagious Diseases Guidance, calculating remaining COVID-19 PTO hours, correction to the Christmas Day holiday flip rule, Sell Back reminders, signing up for the Outlook payroll calendar, HR busines unit contact resources.

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In this week's communication: December PTO/Vacation loads for AFSCME and Trades employees, Sell Back Program, December monthly payday 2021.

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In this week's communication: Special payroll cutoffs around the holidays, Online payroll training, and Holiday time reporting training and resources.

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In this week's communication: MNA December Lump Sum Payments, Sell Back program, and the January payroll calendar.

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In this week's communication: Queries to audit Payable Time that includes data time older than six (6) months, and a reminder when Reporting FMT (FMLA tracking code).

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In this week's communication: Supervisors Must Approve Time for Their Employees, OT Rule Query Updates, M-Pathways down time, Query Guides for Time Reporting, and a few reminders.

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In this week's communication: Terminations and Time Reporting, Bargained-for Nurses Taking Childcare Unpaid Leave of Absence, Reporting Time When Employees Work Over Then Arrive Late on Another Day in the Same Week (Part 2), 2022 Pay Date Calendars Available, and Sell Back.

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In this week's communication: November payroll calendar, Reporting to the nearest 1/10th hour, Daylight Saving Time ends Nov 7, Holiday time reporting resources, and a Timekeeper Tip.

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